Posted on December 13, 2024 by mplascencia
Annual Meeting & Board Meeting
The Annual Meeting will take place at 5:00pm on Wednesday, December 18th with a Board of Directors Meeting Open Session starting at 6:00pm. Please be sure to turn in your ballots before the meeting. We are currently short 10 ballots. If you have misplaced your ballot, please stop by Management’s office to pick one up.
Inspector of Elections Needed
We are still looking for a Resident interested in serving as the Inspector of Elections for our upcoming Annual Meeting. As inspector, you will open the ballots and tally the votes. That’s it! If you are interested, please contact Management at
Holiday Fund Contribution
It’s that time of year, time to reward those who help keep Park Blvd West running smoothly. There is absolutely no pressure to participate, but if you would like to give, there are two ways to do so:
- Write a check made out to “Park Blvd West” and give it to Maggy, or place it in the drop box next to the office. You will receive a receipt as confirmation.
- You can charge your Action account by emailing and advising Management of your gift amount
Thank You for Making The Season Brighter for our Staff!
Upcoming Social Event
Park Blvd West’s next Social Event will be held on December 18th in the Park Blvd West Courtyard from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. Stop by and bring your own drink and an appetizer to share with your fellow Park Blvd West neighbors. We hope to see you there!
Breaking Down Boxes and Bulk Item Disposal
All boxes regardless of size must be broken down prior to being discarded. Do not discard boxes down trash chute as they can cause blockages in the chute. In addition, bulk items must be discarded offsite and not in an Association bin. The Association does not offer bulk item disposal. If you are witnessed discarding a bulk item within the Association, you will be called to a Hearing and subject to a fine.
Please note that the Association received overage fees for refuse and recycling exceeding the height of the bin which contributes to the increase in assessments annually.
Posted on April 26, 2024 by mplascencia
Padres Home Schedule
Traffic delays are expected. See Schedule below for upcoming home games:
- Wednesday, April 10th at 3:40pm
- Friday, April 19th at 6:40pm
- Saturday, April 20th at 5:40pm
- Sunday, April 21st at 1:10pm
- Friday, April 26th at 6:40pm
- Saturday, April 27th at 5:40pm
- Sunday, April 28th at 1:10pm
- Monday, April 29th & Tuesday, April 30th at 6:40pm
Guest Parking Usage
As a reminder, guest parking spaces are to be used by guests of Residents only. Residents are not permitted to utilize guest parking spaces for any duration of time. In addition, guest parking passes must be displayed on the rearview mirror or dashboard of the vehicle. Should no guest parking pass be displayed, vehicles will be towed with no advance notice given. Residents in violation of guest parking rules will be called to Hearing where you may be subject to a fine.
Board Meeting
The next Board of Directors Meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, with Open Session starting at 6:00pm.
Breaking Down Boxes and Bulk Item Disposal
All boxes regardless of size must be broken down prior to being discarded. Do not discard boxes down trash chute as they can cause blockages in the chute. In addition, bulk items must be discarded offsite and not in an Association bin. The Association does not offer bulk item disposal. If you are witnessed discarding a bulk item within the Association, you will be called to a Hearing and subject to a fine.
Please note that the Association received overage fees for refuse and recycling exceeding the height of the bin which contributes to the increase in assessments annually.
Rental Leases
Per the Association’s Governing Documents, if you are renting your unit, you are required to send Management a copy of your lease. This information is necessary for many reasons, mainly for emergency purposes. In the event of an evacuation, the authorities require us to have an updated list of who is in the building. By not providing your lease and tenant’s information, we will not know who to look for if there was an evacuation situation. This information is kept confidential. Please remember to submit this information every time you have a new tenant! You can submit to or
After Hours Contact
Please note that Management’s email is not monitored after hours or on weekends. If you would like to report an emergency such as garage gate not working, leaks, elevators out of order, etc. Please contact Action’s after hours line at 800-400-2284 or 949-450-0202.
Posted on April 26, 2024 by mplascencia
Padres Opening Day
Baseball season is back! Padres Opening Day is on Thursday, March 28th. Game starts at 1:10pm. Traffic delays are expected. See Schedule below for upcoming home games:
- Friday, March 29th at 6:40pm
- Saturday, March 30th at 4:15pm
- Sunday, March 31st at 1:10pm
- Monday, April 1st & Tuesday, April 2nd at 6:40pm
- Wednesday, April 3rd at 1:10pm
- Monday, April 8th at 6:40pm
- Tuesday, April 9th at 7:05pm
- Wednesday, April 10th at 3:40pm
Board Meeting
The next Board of Directors Meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, with Open Session starting at 6:00pm.
Breaking Down Boxes and Bulk Item Disposal
All boxes regardless of size must be broken down prior to being discarded. Do not discard boxes down trash chute as they can cause blockages in the chute. In addition, bulk items must be discarded offsite and not in an Association bin. The Association does not offer bulk item disposal. If you are witnessed discarding a bulk item within the Association, you will be called to a Hearing and subject to a fine.
Please note that the Association received overage fees for refuse and recycling exceeding the height of the bin which contributes to the increase in assessments annually.
Rental Leases
Per the Association’s Governing Documents, if you are renting your unit, you are required to send Management a copy of your lease. This information is necessary for many reasons, mainly for emergency purposes. In the event of an evacuation, the authorities require us to have an updated list of who is in the building. By not providing your lease and tenant’s information, we will not know who to look for if there was an evacuation situation. This information is kept confidential. Please remember to submit this information every time you have a new tenant! You can submit to or
As a reminder, Pet Owners are responsible for the immediate removal of any pet waste deposited by their pets while traveling through the Association. Please be aware that not cleaning up after your pets will result in being called to a Hearing where you may be subject to a fine.
Unapproved Storage
Please note that any items placed outside of your storage cage, stored in your parking space(s), or stored in Association Common Areas are subject to removal by Management.
Posted on February 26, 2024 by mplascencia
Dear Residents,
the schedule has changed as they are anticipating 2 days for each floor in Building 2 and 3-4 days for each floor in Building 1. If some floors are easier than others, the schedule will be updated at that time.
Below is an updated schedule by floor. The dates may be subject to change:
• Mon, Feb 19th & Tue, Feb 20th: Building 2 – Sixth Floor
• Wed, Feb 21st & Fri, Feb 23rd: Building 1 – Fifth Floor
• Mon, Feb 26th & Thu, Feb 29th: Building 1 – Fourth Floor
• Mon, Mar 4th & Thu Mar 7th: Building 1 – Third Floor
• Mon, Mar 11th & Thu, Mar 14th: Building 1 – Second Floor
• Mon, Mar 18th & Thu, Mar 21st: Building 1 – First Floor
Please note the following ahead of the carpet installation:
• During the hours of work, if access is needed in or out of the area being worked, please call out for an installer to assist. (especially if there is caution tape on your door). This includes the elevator access point on the floor being worked.
• The area needs to be undisturbed during the installation process.
• No moves/deliveries can take place on your floor during the carpet installation process. If you are expecting a package, please check the mailbox area as delivery carriers may not be able to bring packages to your floor.
• Loud construction noise is expected to occur. Please plan accordingly.
Should there be any changes to the carpet installation schedule, Management will provide an update. If you have any questions, please contact Management at
Posted on January 24, 2024 by mplascencia
Annual Meeting & Board Meeting
The next Board of Directors Meeting and Annual Meeting will take place on Wednesday, January 24, 2024 with Annual Meeting starting at 5pm and Open Session starting at 6:00pm.
Ballots Needed!
We are still short a couple ballots. Please be sure to turn your ballots in. If you need a replacement ballot, contact Management at
As a reminder, Pet Owners are responsible for the immediate removal of any pet waste deposited by their pets while traveling through the Association. Please be aware that not cleaning up after your pets will result in being called to a Hearing where you may be subject to a fine.
Parking in Spaces Belonging to Others
Management has been made aware of Residents occupying spaces that do not belong to their unit. If someone is occupying your parking space without authorization, you may have them towed without warning at the vehicle owner’s expense. Please contact Western Towing at 619-297-8697.
Lock Box Audit
There is an excessive amount of lock boxes being stored in the lockbox cabinet. Management will be conducting a lockbox audit to remove unregistered lockboxes. All lockboxes must be registered prior to being placed in the cabinet. A time period for the lock box must be provided. No lock box may be stored for longer than 90 days without re-registering their lockbox. Please contact Management at to register your lock box by Monday, January 22, 2024. On Tuesday, January 24, 2024, all unregistered lockboxes will be cut off without notice.
Breaking Down Boxes and Bulk Item Disposal
All boxes regardless of size must be broken down prior to being discarded. In addition, bulk items must be discarded offsite and not in an Association bin. The Association does not offer bulk item disposal. If you are witnessed discarding a bulk item within the Association, you will be called to a Hearing.
Please note that the Association received overage fees for refuse and recycling exceeding the height of the bin which contributes to the increase in assessments annually.
Unapproved Storage
Please note that any items placed outside of your storage cage, stored in your parking space(s), or stored in Association Common Areas are subject to removal by Management.
Rental Leases
Per the Association’s Governing Documents, if you are renting your unit, you are required to send Management a copy of your lease. This information is necessary for many reasons, mainly for emergency purposes. In the event of an evacuation, the authorities require us to have an updated list of who is in the building. By not providing your lease and tenant’s information, we will not know who to look for if there was an evacuation situation. This information is kept confidential. Please remember to submit this information every time you have a new tenant! You can submit to or
Posted on December 11, 2023 by mplascencia
Holiday Schedule
Action Property Management and Citymark Building Services will be closed on Friday, December 22nd and Monday, December 25th in observance of the holidays. If you have an emergency, such as a fire, leak, or flood, please contact Community Care at (800)400-2284.
Lock Box Audit
There is an excessive amount of lock boxes being stored in the lockbox cabinet. Management will be conducting a lockbox audit to remove unregistered lockboxes. All lockboxes must be registered prior to being placed in the cabinet. A time period for the lock box must be provided. No lock box may be stored for longer than 90 days without re-registering their lockbox. Please contact Management at to register your lock box by Monday, January 8, 2024. On Tuesday, January 9, 2024, all unregistered lockboxes will be cut off without notice.
Holiday Décor
As a reminder, all holiday decorations should be removed from doors and balconies by Monday, January 8th.
Holiday Tree Removal
When discarding trees, please discard them offsite and be sure to clean up pine needles that your tree leaves behind. Trees cannot be discarded in Association bins.
Breaking Down Boxes and Bulk Item Disposal
All boxes regardless of size must be broken down prior to being discarded. In addition, bulk items must be discarded offsite and not in an Association bin. The Association does not offer bulk item disposal. If you are witnessed discarding a bulk item within the Association, you will be called to a Hearing.
Please note that the Association receives overage fees for refuse and recycling exceeding the height of the bin which contributes to the increase in assessments annually.
Pets on Balconies
As a reminder, please do not leave your pets unattended on balconies, patios, or decks for any duration of time.
Posted on October 23, 2023 by mplascencia
Board Meeting
The next Board of Directors Meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 with Open Session starting at 6:00pm.
The move in/out fee will be increasing to $200.00 per 4 hour move time slot starting October 1, 2023. All moves and deliveries must be scheduled with Management at least a week in advance. A general rule of thumb is if it takes more than one person to move it, then a move must be scheduled. The reason is simply to protect the building from sustaining damage during a move. Please be advised that if you are found to have had an unscheduled move or delivery, you will be subject to hearing and fine. If you are unsure of the scope of your move or would like to schedule a move, please contact the General Manager
Rental Leases
Per the Association’s Governing Documents, if you are renting your unit, you are required to send Management a copy of your lease. This information is necessary for many reasons, mainly for emergency purposes. In the event of an evacuation, the authorities require us to have an updated list of who is in the building. By not providing your lease and tenant’s information, we will not know who to look for if there was an evacuation situation. This information is kept confidential. Please remember to submit this information every time you have a new tenant! You can submit to or
East Village Groups for Residents and Businesses
A Park Blvd West Resident provided a helpful list (located on Resident Portal) for Park Blvd West Residents that are interested in joining or attending meetings in order to add public comment during meetings.
Breaking Down Boxes and Bulk Item Disposal
All boxes regardless of size must be broken down prior to being discarded. In addition, bulk items must be discarded offsite and not in an Association bin. The Association does not offer bulk item disposal. If you are witnessed discarding a bulk item within the Association, you will be called to a Hearing.
Please note that the Association received overage fees for refuse and recycling exceeding the height of the bin which contributes to the increase in assessments annually.
Unapproved Storage
Please note that any items placed outside of your storage cage, stored in your parking space(s), or stored in Association Common Areas are subject to removal by Management.
Exterior Paint Project
Pilot Painting will be finishing up painting Building 1 hallways in the next few weeks. They are currently working on touch ups on the roofs of both Building 1 and 2 as well as other touchups within the Community. Please be sure to keep an eye out for posted notices from Pilot Painting and visit their website to view updated information in regards to the project and when they will be working near your unit.
- Click on the JOB TRACKER tab,
- Search for Park Boulevard West in the search box and click on it.
- Password: east village (case sensitive, include space between words)
Posted on August 4, 2023 by mplascencia
Paint Project Update
Management met with Pilot Painting and was given an update on the Painting Project. They have been conducting touchups of the exterior portion of the building and will continue to perform touch ups next week as well. In addition, they started painting the roof of Building 2 this week and will paint Building 1’s roof next week.
For units in Building 2 with roof top patios, please note that Pilot painting will be repairing/replacing wood trim around your doors next week and may request that you unlock your roof patio door in order to make the repairs.
Painting of the Courtyard is expected to start on August 7th. Please be sure to have all patio items either covered or removed. Any item attached to the stucco walls (art/ décor, planters, bird spikes, etc.) should be removed prior to painting. Please be advised that attaching an item that requires the penetration of stucco walls is not permitted.
Pilot Painting will be updating their notices on their website in the next few days. Please be sure to keep an eye out for posted notices from Pilot Painting and visit their website to view updated information in regards to the project and when they will be working near your unit.
- Click on the JOB TRACKER tab,
- Search for Park Boulevard West in the search box and click on it.
- Password: east village (case sensitive, include space between words)
Garage Power Wash
Ultra Building Services will be power washing the garage and trash rooms on Friday, August 4th. All vehicles should be removed from the garage between 9:00am to 4:00pm. They will be able to clean around any remaining vehicles but will not be able to clean underneath the vehicle. Remaining vehicles may have some water spots from the power wash.
Padres Schedule
Please note that there will be Padres games taking place at Petco Park on the following dates:
Friday, July 28th at 6:40pm
Saturday, July 29th at 5:40pm
Sunday, July 30th at 1:10pm
Friday, August 4th at 6:40pm
Saturday, August 5th at 5:40pm
Sunday, August 6th and Monday, August 7th at 1:10pm
HVAC Maintenance
With warmer weather around the corner, Management recommends taking this time to have your HVAC unit inspected and ensure it is running smoothly. HVAC replacements require the submission of an Architectural Application before they can be installed. Roof access is to be coordinated through Management.
Breaking Down Boxes
When discarding boxes in the recycling bins, please be sure to break down the boxes first as they take up a lot of room and result in overage charges to the Association
Posted on July 19, 2023 by mplascencia
Comic Con
Comic Con begins Thursday, July 20th through Sunday, July 23rd. Please plan ahead as traffic is expected.
Padres Schedule
Please note that there will be Padres games taking place at Petco Park on the following dates:
Monday, July 24th & Tuesday, July 25th at 6:40pm
Wednesday, July 26th at 1:10pm
Friday, July 28th at 6:40pm
Saturday, July 29th at 5:40pm
Sunday, July 30th at 1:10pm
Friday, August 4th at 6:40pm
Saturday, August 5th at 5:40pm
Sunday, August 6th and Monday, August 7th at 1:10pm
Garage Power Wash
Ultra Building Services will be power washing the garage and trash rooms on Friday, August 4th. All vehicles should be removed from the garage between 9:00am to 4:00pm. They will be able to clean around any remaining vehicles but will not be able to clean underneath the vehicle. Remaining vehicles may have some water spots from the power wash.
HVAC Maintenance
With warmer weather around the corner, Management recommends taking this time to have your HVAC unit inspected and ensure it is running smoothly. HVAC replacements require the submission of an Architectural Application before they can be installed. Roof access is to be coordinated through Management.
Breaking Down Boxes
When discarding boxes in the recycling bins, please be sure to break down the boxes first as they take up a lot of room and result in overage charges to the Association
Exterior Paint Project
The exterior paint project has been paused due to permit delays. Pilot Painting has opted to conduct interior painting until the permits are received and they can continue exterior painting. Management will provide an update once exterior painting commences. Please be sure to keep an eye out for posted notices from Pilot Painting and visit their website to view updated information in regards to the project and when they will be working near your unit.
- Click on the JOB TRACKER tab,
- Search for Park Boulevard West in the search box and click on it.
- Password: east village (case sensitive, include space between words)
As a reminder, Pet Owners are responsible for the immediate removal of any pet waste deposited by their pets while traveling through the Association. Please be aware that not cleaning up after your pets will result in being called to a Hearing where you may be subject to a fine.
Posted on May 30, 2023 by mplascencia
Board Meeting
The May Board of Directors meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 17th with Open Session starting at 6:00pm. Meeting will be held via Zoom.
Holiday Schedule
Management’s Office will be closed on Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day. If you have a emergency, such as a fire, leak, or flood, please contact Community Care at (800)400-2284.
HVAC Maintenance
With warmer weather around the corner, Management recommends taking this time to have your HVAC unit inspected and ensure it is running smoothly. HVAC replacements require the submission of an Architectural Application before they can be installed. Roof access is to be coordinated through Management.
Breaking Down Boxes
When discarding boxes in the recycling bins, please be sure to break down the boxes first as they take up a lot of room and can result in overage charges to the Association
Exterior Paint Project
The exterior paint project has been paused due to permit delays. Pilot Painting has opted to conduct interior painting until the permits are received and they can continue exterior painting. Management will provide an update once exterior painting commences. Please be sure to keep an eye out for posted notices from Pilot Painting and visit their website to view updated information in regards to the project and when they will be working near your unit.
- Click on the JOB TRACKER tab,
- Search for Park Boulevard West in the search box and click on it.
- Password: east village (case sensitive, include space between words)
Padres Schedule
Please note that there will be Padres games taking place at Petco Park on the following dates:
Monday, May 1st & Tuesday, May 2nd at 6:40pm
Wednesday, May 3rd at 1:10pm
Friday, May 5th at 6:40pm
Saturday, May 6th at 5:40pm
Sunday, May 7th at 4:10pm
Monday, May 15th & Tuesday, May 16th at 6:40pm
Wednesday, May 17th at 1:10pm
Friday, May 19th at 6:40pm
Saturday, May 20th at 7:10pm
Sunday, May 21st at 1:10pm
As a reminder, Pet Owners are responsible for the immediate removal of any pet waste deposited by their pets while traveling through the Association. Please be aware that not cleaning up after your pets will result in being called to a Hearing where you may be subject to a fine.
If you are renting out your unit, you are required to provide Management with a copy of your tenant’s lease as well as any third party managing your unit.
Get It Done San Diego
You may want to install the free Android or iOS app on your mobile device so that you can report neighborhood concerns like potholes, tree hazards, side walk repairs, etc. For more information, see this webpage:
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