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Building Rules Reminders
Posted By kdub on August 8, 2016
Residents are responsible at all times for the reasonable conduct of themselves, their occupants and guests. Loud or boisterous conduct anywhere on Park Boulevard West property, including your residence, which disturbs the comfort and quiet enjoyment of others, is prohibited. The volume of radio, stereo sets, television, and musical instruments shall be held at a reasonable level at all times so other residents are not disturbed. After 10:00 p.m. the volume must be significantly reduced so as not to disturb other residents. In the event a neighbor or guest is causing a disturbance, the person being inconvenienced should call on-site security at 619-846-7049 between the hours of 9pm-5am.
It has been noticed on multiple occasions that resident’s pets are peeing in the elevator, carpet outside of the elevators and are not cleaning up the mess. This lack of cleanup has created staining and smell of urine in these areas. If the responsible party is noticed not cleaning up or leaving the mess, the owner will be called to a hearing and fined for the damage to the common area and lack of clean up after their pets. The first fine for this violation is $200-400 and it doubles for every subsequent violation.
No exterior clothesline shall be erected or maintained or hung on balconies or railings within the Project and there shall be no exterior drying or laundering of clothes or any other items on any Exclusive Use Common Area or Association Property. No patio, deck, balcony or parking spaces shall be used for storage purposes, including, without limitation, the storage of bicycles. Management will be issuing letters to the unit owner regarding the above violations.